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Last Update: 9th May 2018
This is the home page for the Oxford & District Crib League.
Use the links above to navigate around the site. Contact information will be found on the "Rules" page. If you have any comments about the site or if you find an error, please email me at:
9th May 2018 |
The Finals Night results have been posted to the Results page. |
17th April 2018 |
Finals night will be held on Friday 20th April at the Masons Arms - last registration at 7:45pm,
play starts at 7:55pm, please arrive in plenty of time! Finals Night schedule is on the Competitions page. |
6th April 2018 |
The final standings for this season are on the League Tables page. Congratulations to the Prince of Wales (League Winners) and Florence Park Social Club (Beer League Winners). |
29th March 2018 |
The results of the Singles competition are on the Competitions page. |
14th March 2018 |
The draw for the Singles Competition taking place on the 28th March is on the
Competitions page as well as the draw for the Mixed Pairs taking place on the 18th April. Please arrive on time! |
1st March 2018 |
The Open Pairs results are on the Competitions page. |
24th February 2018 |
The Open Pairs are taking place next week on the 28th February. Please make sure you arrive in plenty of time for the draw which will take place at 7:45pm for an 8:00pm start. |
25th January 2018 |
The results for the 17th January were delayed due to waiting for the results from the Viking Sports vs Florence Park match (which still haven't arrived). Team captains need to get the results in as soon as possible or let the club secretary know if the match has been rearranged. |
13th January 2018 |
The "Competitions" page has been updated with the draw for the Knockout Cup and Supplementary Plate, and the draw for the Open Pairs. |
22nd December 2017 |
The Losers Pairs, played at Littlemore R.B.L. on 20th December 2017 resulted in an all White House final which is to be played on Friday 20th April 2018 between D. & L. Armstrong vs S. Califano & D. Bowdry. |
10th December 2017 |
More sad news to report. Gordon Newbold of the Butcher's Arms team recently passed away.
The team are continuing in the league as a tribute to him. |
8th December 2017 |
The Losers Pairs draw has been updated on the "Competitions" page |
24th November 2017 |
The "Competitions" page has been updated with the draw for the Team Knock Out Cup and the teams and players entered for the Losers Pairs which will be taking place at the Littlemore Royal British Legion. |
13th November 2017 |
The "Results" and "Tables" pages have been updated with the Prince of Wales vs Cowley Workers Club game from Week #6. |
3rd October 2017 |
The Catherine Wheel have withdrawn from the league, so will take no further part this year. |
29th September 2017 |
We have sad news to report - Barry King, the well known landlord from The Catherine Wheel and previously The White Hart in Marston, passed away this week. |
21st September 2017 |
This season's schedule has been posted to the "Schedule" page and a PDF document containing the schedule details is available to download. The season starts on Wednesday the 27th September. |
15th September 2017 |
Website has been updated for the 2017/2018 season. Three new links have been added to the website layout: The "Schedule" link will show the teams in the league along with the playing schedule for the season (when they become available). The "Results" link will show each week's results, latest results at the top. The "Archive" link shows data from previous seasons. |